I am currently sitting in the back of a van that is pulling a trailer on the way to a gig in Bettendorf, Iowa. Currently I am just eavesdropping on the guys in the front, talking about life and wondering what the future will bring or if we are all doing what we should be and if we are in the right place.

Looking back on the past 3 years, I know for a fact that I am where I want to be, and I’m doing what I want to be doing. I often have had thoughts about myself not being good enough, or wondering what it would be like to break the norm and work for myself doing what I love. 3 years ago I took a lead and moved to Nashville. I thought that maybe I’d get to play guitar a couple times a week, and get lucky enough to scrape by and not have to get a day job for a while. But I worked my ass off and started playing more and more. I am very fortunate that even during “slow season” in Nashville, I have regular gigs. During busy season I can work as much as I want. And it doesn’t even feel like work. I get to play guitar all day a that is incredible. I get to see the world, alongside some incredible people and I have some of the most incredible friends.

Yes the grind can be rough, wondering if the money will keep coming, and if the calls will keep coming. But it always works out and I cannot express how incredibly happy to be where I am, headed to Iowa to play music. I hope this never ends. And I hope I never lose the fire I feel for this now.

The image below is from a recent gig at Legends Corner in Nashville. We do an all request show and we got tipped to take my shirt off and play a few songs. The ridiculous smile is unavoidable when I get to play with such incredible people and put on a new show every day.