There are so many things that I am thankful for, especially the people that I get to work with. This past week I was very busy, and I am fortunate to be busy during this slow season in Nashville. I had Monday off. So I was able to practice and work on a few things. Then Tuesday I played 2 gigs. Being early in the week they were slow, but we made the best of it. My Wednesday gig got cancelled, so I went to dinner with the bass player on that gig, and prepped for the rest of the week. Thursday was the start of an incredible weekend. I played Kid Rocks with an incredible band 6 to 10.

Friday I played 2 gigs. And Saturday I played 3. One of which was at Miranda Lamberts rooftop. That was my first time playing there and it was an incredible stage to play. And our audience that morning was incredible.

Sunday I got a call last minute to play at Luke Bryans during the superbowl. That was an interesting gig, and I got to play tons of songs that I had never done, including some Eminem songs. Then I went to wrap up my week at Tin Roof. I always love finishing the week on that gig. The band leader is incredible, the bass player is an incredible musical director, and the drummer is incredible, and always throws in half time at the perfect time (my personal favorite touch).

This week was full of ups and downs and I wouldn’t change it for anything.